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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mindflow in Latacunga 21/5/09

Loud kids playing in the huallway in the morning inspires grumpy grumbling, but I have to get up soon anyway--and who can blame kids for playing? Surely not I, of all people. Not the kind of hypocrite I want to be.
So I smile instead of frown; listen instead of hug a pillow to my ears, and just like that--my attitude is happier, my morning brighter.
Deep mental control is a funny thing. Like learning to laugh when a toe is stubbed. Such things happen, so why let them be bothersome?
I should again reread Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence. And I should somehow obtain a motorcycle. And I should let my writing continue for a bit, free of formula. Stream of consciousness as it were.
I´m reminded of a question I had while discussing s.o.c. writing (s.o.c. like Socrates!) with Spencer: how much would what I write control my thought train, and how much would my thought train control what I write?
A balance. Libra.
Damn, but my pen can´t really keep up with my thoughts. Do we think in words? or rather concepts/ideas? How does thought work? I know the awareness of the idea springs well before my mind forms words around it. How to mesh the two?
Like stepping through my shadow of self--Carl Jung (must read more of hiw writing on aenima and conscious).
How do these indigenous folk think? What exactly is Latin Logic? Do they really think so differently in terms of analytical thought processes? Or is their system just so deeply rooted and convoluted (damn! but I would have loved to quick-think a rhyme word with deeply) that it guides their mores and behavior?
What a fucking trip all these folk gathering from all points to sell sell sell their wares--most everything a duplicate, true originality (everywhere) pretty well lacking. A rarity.
Like the people on the bus. Every stop, some vendors with fruit or chips or juice/water or candy, and one person with the heart-throb story about crippled children or blindness or government cruelty or other misfortune, passing out candy or gum or packets of vitamins, hoping to guilt-trip people into handing back bills instead of the item. Memorized speeches, practiced piety (whoops, took a full split second to think of that one), carefully crafted exdpressions of sorrow and pain...
Spare me.
I really ought to practice this straight stream of conscious--perhaps i can learn something of myself.
More cocoa? Or save the cash? What time is it? How much of my thought is questions? How much of a question rut do I get stuck in?
Okay, time to go.
Cotopaxi beckons.

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