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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Every day recently has been full of "lasts." Last trip to the arb; last day of work; last shit in various toilets around campus; last kisses; last ann arbor adventures. My departure date draws near, rapidly and without hesitation.

Finally moved out and closed up shop--an awfully arduous process spanning a long and tedious weekend of trying to dispose of my domestic detritus (but mostly failing). I still have just as much pack-rat clutter as always. Some things never change.

But at least I'm escaping--for a while anyway. After the wedding I can seek a more long-term escape. Perhaps ranching in Australia. Or fishing in Alaska. Or rangering in a national park. (and I welcome any other sweet suggestions!). Anything goes, really, except this convoluted and washed-out concept of "real life." Please.

As if I could ever handle a rut-setting cubicle-stuffed existence. I've just barely slipped my anchor as it is, goddamnit. What was I thinking putting down roots?


Finally out again, with only my whim and luck with bureaucracy to guide me and determine my path.

Relief wells over me at times , but I am not sure it will really hit me until I'm standing on a street somewhere trying to understand what anyone's saying.

But hell, I cannot bloody wait.

Ciao putos!